1 Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the update process.\nWould you like to restart your computer now?
2 DAP Update could not complete the installation, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
3 DAP Update has encountered a critical error and will be terminated, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
4 No 'Special Offer' has been selected.\n \nIf you wish to download offer(s), click 'Cancel' and check box(es) on the list.\nIf you wish to continue with no selection, click 'OK'.
5 Wizard
6 The update process could not be completed due to lack of Internet connection.\nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.\n\nPress OK to retry now.
7 The update process could not be completed due to lack of Internet connection with SpeedBit update Server. \nPlease try again in few minutes, or email Support@speedbit.com for more help.\n\nPress OK to retry now.
8 DAP Update could not locate the components list, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
9 DAP Update has detected an error in the component list format.
10 There is not enough free disk space available for the Update process.
11 DAP Update could not locate a critical component for the update operation, Please contact support@speedbit.com.
12 Are you sure you want to cancel the \nupdate process?
13 Initialization of the Update application has failed.
14 Run all installations now
15 Allow 5 minutes between each installation
16 Allow 10 minutes between each installation
17 Allow 30 minutes between each installation
18 You have uncomplete DAP updates pending.\nYou must restart now to complete DAP update process.\n\nRestart now?
19 DAP Application is currently running.\n \nClose DAP now to continue update?
20 DAP Update - Application is open
21 DAP application will now be closed to allow the Update process to continue.
128 DAPUpdate
129 DAP Update
130 Special Offers
131 No Special Offers are currently available.
132 The Special Offers search has been completed successfully.
133 Search completed successfully
134 Update in progress...
135 Update was unsuccessful.\n\nWe recommend to retry updating these components for the Proper operation of DAP.
136 DAP is installing necessary components.\nThis update will only take a minute, and will allow DAP to work properly.
137 There is no update available through DAP Update utility.